aku sombong keW?

hurm...sedihla! ramai org kata aq nie sombong!!! betul kew? ye ke? argghhh!!! mana da aq sombong..x dak3..aq cuma x suka lyn org je,...sorry ye....i x berminat!

hurm...so sebelom nie..klo ad spe2..yg trfikir..trse..terkata..or ap2..yg TER lah
sila trk blk kata2 anda..kerena sya x sombong pown!TIDAK!!! sama sekali..taw..klau korang nak tahu aq ni sombong ke x? kenali lah dgn lebih rapat...baru la tahu...hehehehe

actually..klau ad yg rasa aq nie meme sombong..lantak kau la!!! ad aq kesah?..huh...x sama sekali!

oke....klo ad yg terse hati..mnx ampun..taw..hehe..
sekian..wslm :)

<a href="http://www.glitter-graphics.com"><img src="http://dl10.glitter-graphics.net/pub/229/229250skrgjfpbac.gif" width=207 height=65 border=0></a><br><a href="http://www.glitter-works.org" target=_blank>glitter-graphics.com</a>

Bonjour and Hola!

" Assalamualaikum Dan Hai :D okayh.thanks to all visiter yang sudi- sudi visit belog buruk ni yer.nama i Nadya.just call Nad pon okayh dah.i'm 15 years old.kalaw sudi follow larh. ^_^"

gossip-2 manje :D


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